Pisces Weekly horoscope 12-18 July 2021

It is only natural to want to explore boundaries where Chiron in Aries is close to your income area, business, property, banks and more. It is not wise to complain about other people's cages too much, however, unless you know it is worth it. People make fun of money, but they also make fun of moral or ethical standards. Chiron was a great player when America was born, as we know it now. Many Chiron-related words are nicknames from the USA - chutzpah, balls, far, crazy, and most of all, wow. Some people will scratch their heads in applause now, but others will face them. It could be because your pricing system is different from theirs (the things you will sell and will not sell, irritate them.)
The most common, however, is money, business, charity, purchase, sale, property or ownership that will take you as far as possible. Just because they say that something is impossible or unacceptable is not enough to say no. You know that. And - Uranus in Taurus? You will score goals when it comes to your brother, cousin or sister now. Or they will change their intentions. You will change the parameters, and send everyone's ideas about what is best for now, but also 2022!
In order to try rules like this, you will need a lot of longing - especially freedom. Okay, anyway. If your brother, cousin or sister is involved, you will aim, shoot and shoot. This is a change. It requires the eye of a bull, or it will not bring the necessary independence. This could be your space and independence with him - or their complete freedom for you.
Pisces Weekly horoscope 12-18 July 2021
Read the Weekly horoscope for your sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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