Scorpio Weekly horoscope 12-18 July 2021

Scorpio Weekly horoscope 12-18 July 2021

Financially, you are now healthy and truly honest.

What may hinder you from repeating the same questions over and over again, the same conditions and consequences related to this matter of money or property. There is a way, however, when you are ready to work overtime. Change will come when you rearrange your thoughts on this tricky situation. You are more likely to fall into a constant pattern of reaction, each time you come to the same predictable situation. Yes, South Node will lock you in a karmic loop from 2002. Life, the universe and other people will keep you there, until next January. Your ability to go back to this situation and see it in a new light is the answer and trying your new perspective can change everything.

Scorpio Weekly horoscope 12-18 July 2021