How does your garden grow, and Aquarius?
The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn are in your sign (from the 21st of December 2020, it has been sown, the seeds of a new era. In 2021, they will begin to bear fruit. However, the growth rate rarely goes away without growing pains. You may have to remove a lot of "weeds," and cherish the life that you want.
Gardening is an apt metaphor for you, as your ruler, Uranus, has taken root in the earth, in a fertile and Calf. You can also put your roots down, but first you need to break out of a certain situation. Although it is often referred to as "bloom where you are planted", you have the right to have plants in the terms and conditions, which are the most nutritious for you.
Uranus brings about drastic changes. And the square of Jupiter (January 17), and Saturn (17 feb, 14 June and 23 December may shake the foundations of the emotional life. You need to treat your home, family, and cultural heritage sites in a completely different way, not only to the revolt, but the maturity and growth.
However, the individualizing of the wallpaper does not mean that the " burning bridges. With Chiron in Aries, words can hurt, tortured. Luckily, Saturn is a three sextiles with Chiron (the 9th of January, June, 23, 26 November) can help you to keep your mouth and reduce your reactions to it.
After all, Aquarius, and you've grown a lot since the Saturn first entered your sign. Some of the things that can be used to click their buttons just don't seem to bother a lot more. It's not easy to offend anyone, and you don't have time not to do it, for your own sake. With the ability to pick and choose his battles, and that's what makes him a much more effective defender, both for himself and for others.
Whether or not they are things that are personal and political, and communication is the key to finding common ground. And the pollution of the additional period of time to draw this year ("Vodnik", the 8th of November-15th of March, the Twins, May 3-July 11; Scales, on the 29th of August-5 September), you'll have a higher-than-average interest in the new information and ideas.
However, it doesn't matter what other people say, Aquarius, be sure to continue to be grounded in the inner life.
A new paradigm of relationships is the development of a Aquarius, and that you have to be at the forefront.
It's not about the love, and the feelings overwhelmed you. So, when you decide to be with someone, it's because you want to, not because you have to. Since Venus is passing through the sign of 1 February to 25 February, in a meeting with Saturn, and Jupiter, it is the relationship that you would like to build.
However, some people just don't get it. In their eyes, the desire for more freedom and space, which makes it appear to be cold and unfeeling, that couldn't be further from the truth. You want to know something else, but you deserve to love and be loved is to be on your own terms.
Because Venus is in your sign, on Jupiter and Mars in Taurus, you need to specify the conditions that work best for you. Fortunately, the Venus / Chiron sextile provides opportunity for the transfer of your heart's desires-in a more direct, and therapeutic way.
If you are a person, in particular to live together for a long time, and you wouldn't want to rock the boat. However, if you are ready to make a change, the chances are that your partner is ready and waiting. With the north node in Gemini, you don't have to put up with a stay in a rut.
After all, innovation, and diversity not just for one people, and they are vital for preserving the long-term, and love. So, a lot of fun with this experiment, work together, especially when the Mercury is in Gemini (May 3-July 11).
This can be done in some PDA's and the big romantic gestures. The inner planets are passing through your opposite sign of Leo, between June 11 and August 22, you could find yourself, and your partner will be the stars of their own to Hollywood's rom-com (or erotic thriller, if that's what turns you on!!!). But most importantly, you want to feel seen and appreciated for who you really are.
And, just like the rest of us, Aquarius is well-built. What is gender identity, or sexual orientation, it has a unique mix of masculine and feminine energy. As for the divine beloved, Venus, and Mars in Leo (July 13), it is recommended to cover them both—and be attracted to others who can do the same.
You just put too much emphasis on material things, and Aquarius. You can choose to look at the spiritual rewards in your career, and the financial rewards will follow. In the majority of cases, this approach will serve you well. Even though you may never be a billionaire, you have to believe that the universe will always help you out.
As Jupiter spends most of the year in your sign, and the majority of the money out of your house, Fishes, 13-May-28 July), you'll be ready to accept this bounty? However, since Neptune is also in Pisces, there is always a day of mixed feelings about the money. It doesn't sound like something that should be in the best interest of a "spiritual" person, just like you, and it's the last thing you want to do is sell it.
In fact, however, that there is nothing particularly spiritual, is in conflict with their life. If you have equipment that needs to be satisfied, comfortable, and you will be in a much better position to take care of others.
When Mars enters Cancer, make your home, from the 23rd of April-11th of June), and the trine to Neptune, it helps to have ideals, to live with it. The protection and security of the sensitive people in the workplace (or, clients, patients, students, colleagues, or employees, is a true labor of love for you.
In June and July, and the other inner planets will also be due to Cancer trining Neptune, and Jupiter. During this time, your work will be a true home-away-from-home."
Yet, you may not consider this work, if you're truly called to do. And it is as nice as it was, and if you are tempted to take a different career path, you're going to have to eventually have to leave the nest.
From September to November, the inner planets are in Scorpio, it is the square of Saturn and Jupiter in your sign and is in opposition to Uranus in Taurus. You need to recognize your ambitions and go into the unknown when or if the opportunity presents itself.
You will always have respect for your roots, and Aquarius. But don't be afraid to spread your wings!
Read the yearly horoscope for your sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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