No place for a child to be in a corner, Leo! But, sometimes, this looks like it might be, that you will be asked to make a small one.
With Jupiter and Saturn in your opposite sign of Aquarius, the others seem to attract more attention. And while you will be the center of attention, and you don't want to be ignored. Since, Jupiter, and Saturn, form, squares Uranus in Taurus (such as Jupiter, on January 17, with Saturn on February 17, the 14th of June and the 23rd of December), you will need to get back in the game," if you want to stand out.
This does not mean that you have to resort to a wide range of services. With the south node in Sagittarius, extreme pranks from the past! The two eclipses in a Sag moon is on 26 May, sun's energy, on 3 December, it will help you to get back in touch with your inner child, and they give you the attention, support, and fun they desire. In this way, you won't feel the need to take action.
After all, Leo's, and if you want to stand out, it needs to be done, and for a good reason, for example, if you are open-minded, and how much fun it can be. With the North node in Gemini, and the eclipse of the sun is in this sign, on the 10th of June to invite you to take an interest in others, and to extend the reach of their social life.
As the Chiron, the year-in the sign of Aries, you can be confident to broaden your horizons. The fear of losing something, or to seem to be less and less, down-to-earth, and high-risk than others and may be you'll play with the little one. But, from the beginning of July and beginning of August, and the well-balanced triangles of the Chiron with the planets in your sign-on (Mars, Venus, the sun and Mercury) can help to spread their wings.
When it comes to traveling, teaching, and other peak-experiences, there are plenty of opportunities to do just that. So, instead of having to compete, and you compare yourself to others, get in touch with us to learn more about what you want to do it, even if it goes against what you want to be in the past.
Uranium in the house, and the reputation of this year, it is likely to destroy all the odds... with your own. So don't let old ideas about who he should be get in the way of keeping you from your true path.
When Jupiter and Saturn come together, each step forward as it can go, to take a step back. And, if you're in a relationship (or aspiring to be), and this year, you and your partner are able to do, such as dancing. But the universe is not trying to kill all of your concerns. This will help you build a stronger bond, and, perhaps, develop your character, as you will in it.
With Jupiter and Saturn in a square Uranus in taurus the Bull (Jupiter-17th January, Saturn, February 17, June 14, July 23), the main problem is a conflict of interest between your personal life and your personal and professional goals. This is, of course, it is a case of irreconcilable differences. However, for this to work, you will have to think outside of the box. Fortunately, Mercury is in Aquarius, The (8 November to 15 March), you can come up with creative solutions.
The tipping point comes between June 26 and July 21, when Venus visits your application, and it forms a T-square with Saturn, and Uranus. You're under pressure to figure out what you truly want—and it could end up in an unexpected choice. In fact, when Venus forms a trine Chiron in Aries, and the old wounds from past relationships is not the place for you. You call and say you want it with more self-confidence and discover new opportunities. The divine lovers are from Venus, and Mars, are united, in your sign on January 13th, as this could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership!
The period of Venus in your zodiac sign, also coincides with immersion of Jupiter is in Pisces, water (the 13th of May to the 28th of July. And if Jupiter, Neptune, and go skinny dipping together to create an atmosphere of intimacy. However, the blurred lines between fantasy and reality, it may tempt you to venture out into the deep water, so make sure that you can see what it really is.
After all, Leo, you're the master of the big, romantic gestures. However, the two eclipses in Sagittarius this year, the moon is on 26 May, the sun, December 3), and it is best to keep this extravagant decorations for a king or a queen of hearts.
If you would like to find something good to happen, Leo, and why settle for less?), it is much better to do it yourself or to dictate to others how it is done. But, at the same time, this is a top-down approach, it can sometimes be a result that had not yet done so this year as well.
When Jupiter's and Saturn's in Aquarius, challenge and Uranus in Taurus (the Jupiter-17th January, Saturn, February 17, June 14, July 23), and you will find yourself under pressure and be a team player. And, as much as possible, and your style, this is the best way to set yourself up for success in 2021.
Communication is the key to building a productive partnership. Luckily, though, because Mercury is spending more time in the air to draw from this year, Aquarius, November 8th-15th of March, the Twins, May 3-July 11; Scales, on the 29th of August-5 September), there will be plenty of time to work on your speaking and listening skills. Networking opportunities will also have the potential to make a valuable new contact. Connect with individuals and groups, and to discuss the latest innovations in your field of study.
In February and May, when the inner planets are in the middle of the Bull's line-up with Pluto in Capricorn, making small changes in your daily work habits, and daily routines can end up with a transforming influence on the course of your career. Even if these changes are not made, they can be used to your advantage if you choose to.
The Earth and the triangles to connect the course of your career, and money in the houses, in August and September, this is the best time to be a job that you really, really want to. If by Venus, Mercury, sun, Mars, passing through a Virgin at this point, make sure that you are in control of the money to be honest and to be clear, imagine that you are the real values of assets.
Of course, the future is brighter when you're at peace with your professional background. So, please take some time to get the eclipse of the moon in Taurus (November 19) to celebrate your successes, and forgiveness for your mistakes. This gives you the freedom to work on to bigger and better goals.
Read the yearly horoscope for your sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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