With the north node in your sign, and personal growth a priority this year. However, there is no "selfish"is about self-development. Because every single person on the planet, but also to the development of the Twin towers in the energy expression, which is what they need in order to get them to show you exactly how to do it.
For your curiosity, open-mindedness, and the ability to communicate with anyone and everyone and that is a role model for the other characters in 2021. However, with Jupiter and Saturn, and once in Aquarius for most of the year, you'll need to narrow your focus to the things that really keep you interested. Otherwise, you can be easy to get distracted and walk away from your own point of view.
As Jupiter continues to reside in the sign of Taurus, it is getting deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into the inner life. And while solitude is a bit of a character, and the changing conditions in the rest of the world, you can find it more often. Square up to Jupiter/Uranus on February 17, encourages you in your faith and optimism, even if the future is uncertain. In the meantime, Saturn makes a three-Uranus squares (17 feb, 14, June, and December 23), which forces you to establish a strong spiritual support systems in your life. This is the discipline of daily meditation practice, or the pursuit of a weekly and a daily self-care.
With your ruler, Mercury, is spending a little time in Aquarius at the beginning of the year (November 8th-15th of March), which will give you the opportunity to focus on the most important thing for you to do. Where do you want to make your spiritual journey you will have to take the Twins, and what do you hope to learn from this?
You can feel yourself, identical Twins, and who can blame them? With the divine lovers Mars and Venus through your sign at the beginning of the year, your charisma and self-confidence are simply irresistible!
When a visitor to your character, (from 3 March To 23 April), the Mars knows exactly what it wants to be, and boldly go after it. However, under the influence of Venus, 8 May-2 June), which is relaxing and allows you to have the object of your desires to come to you. The ease with which you can switch between the two styles of seduction, it makes it even more intriguing, both for the current and potential partners. At the same time, however, it can be confusing, and it can easily be interpreted as a game of the mind. Make sure that you are on an equal footing with them about your true intentions.
In fact, the south node, the opposite of the sign of the Sagittarius unconscious relationship patterns in the image on the left, not really. And the two are instagram eclipses (lunar eclipse on 26 May, sun, December 3) will lead to the fact, that the time has come to do something that will prevent you from making important connections and make your partner realise their potential.
The one thing I can say, with confidence, Gemini, for you, love is a meeting of minds. You need someone who really accepts you with intelligence, and he is always learning something new and expand his horizons. If they are not smart enough to keep you guessing, you'll lose interest pretty quickly. Your constant desire for new and diversity, it can be difficult for even the most imaginative lover to not to shy away from.
Fortunately, Mercury, and enjoy an extended stay in the balance of this year, the 29th of August-5 September), there were plenty of fun and sexy ideas. Whether it's a casual romance or a serious commitment, and enjoy each other's company, makes the life and love are even better. In a year when you are focused on learning and development, and it's easy to start to take yourself too seriously. But with a little bit of frivolity and the library of romance, it helps to put things into perspective.
Just make sure that you do not make use of the light to the beautiful energy of the monitor to avoid the deep, dark and relationship problems. Since Mercury is in Libra, the challenges of Pluto in Capricorn, three times, I'll tell you to talk to you about the state of the union is expected to be almost inevitable.
Mercury is also in a long, long time, is in your sign, from May 3 to July 11. His trine to Saturn will support you in building self-control, and the expression of your truth, and with a great degree of trust and responsibility. However, in three of the squares Neptune in Pisces can create a lot of confusion around the meaning of life.
You have the inner sense of who you are, it may be to contrast with the person that other people see you. However, with a solar eclipse in your sign (10 June), you will be called upon to embrace it, and make a new identity for the upcoming year.
What is your true calling, the Twins? As Neptune's, the long transit from the quarry to your home, and the answer to this question is, it seems to be more difficult than ever before.
And yet, you feel strangely calm. In the past, we have a tendency to think and plan too much. But for now, you will begin to feel that your career path is to be sent by God. The more you tune in to the little synchronicities of life, this year, the easier it will be for you to keep on the right track.
But, at the same time, it is important to pay attention to your own needs. Like Mercury, Venus and the sun passing through the sign of Capricorn-in January, the material and moral support to the systems to be available. Set them at the start of the year, and you'll be in good shape by the time cancer of the season strikes.
When the same planets, and Mars in your resource's home in June and July, the opposition to Pluto in Capricorn may lead to financial problems. However, do everything you can to keep your budget out of balance, and, if possible, to pay off some of your debt will give you a greater peace of mind.
Work-life balance is an issue in August and September, when the inner planets are in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. And from September to November, when they will move along with the Scorpion, and the life and the work can be very stressful. You will become more and more frustrated with the routine tasks and try to make a difference. But now is not the time to quit your job. Find other ways to shake things up before taking drastic steps.
In fact, the Twins, and the changes they go through in this year, don't give her more than enough of that emotion. It is to take care of the more mundane details of the steps that can help you stay grounded, focused, and confident as you move into this year of spiritual growth.
Read the yearly horoscope for your sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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