All bets are off, the Bull! If Uranus is sinking deeper and deeper into your sign this year, and life is always unpredictable. However, the biggest surprise may be how you feel about the idea of change. 

The year begins with renewed vigour, in January and February, Mercury, Venus and the sun in Aquarius and the turn of the challenging, Uranus, and Mars are in your sign. There is a sense of urgency that something needs to change, and it seems to be that it's either now or never. 

Of course, change is not always easy. And the squares, and oppositions of Uranus, throughout the year, it could be chocolate. But the most unusual thing about these complex relationships, it is how they are able to motivate you to be your best self. 
The most important squares to Uranus, the action of Jupiter (January 17), and Saturn (17 feb, 14 June-23 August). With two of the biggest names in the Aquarius and the house in the image and the aspiration to do big things happen in your career this year. Your new success, and the increased responsibilities that go hand in hand with a belief in some kind of a personality crisis. This is likely to change not only the way people see you but how you see yourself. 

This can cause confusion to you in your home or in your life, especially in July and August, when the inner Leo planets (Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Sun, challenge, Jupiter, in your sign. At the end of September to mid-November, on the same planet of Uranus oppositions, as she is a Scorpio. The ability to communicate with your friends, family, and loved ones during this time and can be very fertile, and show how much things have changed. But it is also the reactions of the others have given in to the new you, they're more likely to find you to tell you more about them. 

As someone who values stability and safety, this can be very confusing occasionally. However, it most likely is, a Bull, and you'll find it has, you are free! With a lunar eclipse in your sign on November 19, you'll feel ready to let go of all the aspects of your personality that does not resonate with the person you've become. 


All you need is a little Bull. And the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in your sign on the 22nd of April, and his extraordinary charm and be more visible than ever before! 

It will give you the confidence to take the company to continue to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to love. The harmonious aspect of Venus and Neptune, and Pluto, in April / May and again September/October), giving you the sense that this is how it should be done. 

However, since Venus is well worth it to Saturn and Jupiter, it is worth the effort of Aquarius, the road ahead may be rocky, especially when the relationship is at odds with the other, a sense of responsibility. The balance of your personal and professional life can be a struggle for a long time. You have to think outside of the box if you want this to work. In September and October, when Venus is in Scorpio, and reiterates its Saturn, Jupiter and squares, and in opposition to Uranus in your sign of the zodiac, you can see things differently. 

The easiest time to get on the same page, which will be available in July and August, when the divine lovers, Venus and Mars spend a bit of time with each other, and the first degrees of Virgo. Their trines Uranus in your sign, and Pluto are in the sign of Capricorn, it will help you to find out new ways of playing, while at the same time, to bring together the common values and goals, perhaps by way of a creative, project-based activities. (If you have children of your own, it can also be an indication of a family, for a little while!) 

From October 7 to November 5, Venus will visit the Sagittarius (in your house of intimacy, sexuality, and shares that to help you achieve a greater sense of freedom and space in a relationship. However, since Venus is to create a complex quincan, with Jupiter retrograde, there may be a number of difficult adjustments. And the square of Venus and Neptune retrograde in Pisces can take advantage of the setting's too good to be true so make sure that you can see what it really is. 

With the south node and two, total solar eclipses in Sagittarius, moon on the 26th of May, of the sun, December 3), you will probably have a lot of old relationships left from this year. This could be anything from a fear of intimacy, and commitment by the cultural stereotypes about sex and sexuality, and to prevent you and/or your partner to express themselves freely. But what's the trouble, a Bull, and this year, you can solve the problem once and for all.


They say that luck is when opportunity meets preparation." If this is true, the Bull, this is 2021 year, and a very successful one for you! 

With Jupiter, and Saturn once every Aquarius for most of the year, there are plenty of career opportunities. However, most of them, you'll need to do your due diligence. This includes being selective about what you're saying "yes" to, and to be realistic about how a lot of responsibilities, you can use the balance on your plate. 

You have to choose which one is the logical next step. However, they are most likely to be surprised by their bosses or mentors. An unexpected, "a breakthrough" could be done on March 17,, when Jupiter forms a square with Uranus in your sign. However, it is not too early to do so? You can only be sure of that. 

In fact, of three squares, and the Saturn/Uranus (the 17th of February, the 14th of June and 23 December may be able to do the work for you. And it requires more discipline to be your own boss, then in order to follow the company line. Before you can successfully break the rules, you will need to make sure that you have the hang of it. 

As Mercury is to devote more time to their business units a year, it is very important that you get your homework done. During your stay at Aquarius, The (8 November to 15 March), which was three times, accompanied by Jupiter, and think about what success means to you, and reflect on your goals, on your own terms. - In the Twins (3-May-11 June), the triad of Mercury, and Saturn will help you to achieve success. However, the three Neptune squares will challenge you in order to keep their feet firmly on the ground. The Gemini solar eclipse on the 10th of June, it will mark the beginning of a new chapter in the success story. 

Finally, Mercury is in the sign of Libra (29 August-5 September), he encourages you to be a team player. The trine to Saturn, and tri triangle with Jupiter's help to create a more harmonious working environment for success.

Read the yearly horoscope for your sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces